Ursula Johnson’s (re)al-location engages the Mi’kmaw philosophy of Netukulimk, or self-sustainability, in a shared examination of the ecology of Cape Breton Highlands National Park past, present and future. Working in conversation with various communities, her project aims to(re)locate local knowledge and traditions to address concerns related to natural resources and stewardship of the land. In doing so,(re)al-location serves as a catalyst for discourse and social change.
Her process involved several interactive forums that aimed to promote a more sustainable relationship with the environment and one another. This dialogue resulted in the development and production of a foliage pattern— a gift to the community—based upon the unique forest ecosystem of CBHNP. Apparel with this design was worn by project partners, collaborating artists, and audience members during a participatory performance event and celebratory feast at MacIntosh Brook titled The Festival of Stewards. [1]
[1] “(RE)AL-LOCATION / (RÉ)AL-LOCATION.” Essay. In Landmarks 2017: Art, Places, Perspectives = Repères 2017: Art, Lieux, Perspectives, 146–49. Toronto: The Magenta Foundation, 2018.
Additional information
“LandMarks2017 / Repères2017.” Partners in Art. Accessed July 5, 2021. https://partnersinart.ca/projects/landmarks2017-reperes2017/.
Project Title: (RE)Al-Location
Artist: Ursula Johnson
Year: June 10, 2017 – June 25, 2017
Place: Cape Breton Highlands National Park, NS
Art, Collaborative, Data, Exhibit, exhibition organization, Fixed, Gallery, Indigenous, Landscape, N.S., Nature, Nova Scotia, NS, Outdoor, Partnership, Temporary