Carmela Cucuzzella



Dr. Carmela Cucuzzella is an Associate Professor in the Design and Computation Arts department. She holds a Concordia University Research Chair in Integrated Design and Sustainability for the Built Environment (IDEAS-BE). She has a background in various facets of design, holding degrees in Computer Science, Design Art, a Masters in Design and Complexity and a PhD in Environmental Design. Her research work is framed within the broad domain of design studies where she investigates questions of sustainable design for urban living.Her background and expertise in environmental and social life cycle analysis, as well as in the green building rating system LEED allows her to adopt a framework of judgement and evaluation of contemporary design practices and projects. More specifically, her theoretical framework revolves around questions of qualitative judgment in design thinking by considering the interrelated dimensions of the cognitive-instrumental, the moral-practical and the aesthetic-expressive forms of discourse and judgment. The main objective of her research is to better understand how architects go beyond current injunctions of environmental norms and policies in order to achieve a necessary balance between design ethics and aesthetics – a question that is inescapable for architecture practice today. This is done through a two-folded research agenda. First, she studies how the representative nature of contemporary sustainable architectural practice may be pushing the discipline away from its cultural and ideological production and into a technological demonstration. Second, in her CoLLaboratoire project, she seeks to understand how the collaborative design of public art-architecture installations can contribute to a critique, deeper understanding and/or embodiment of sustainable urban, professional, community, and even human practices in the long term. ​

  • Books
  • Chapters
  • Peer-reviewed articles
  • Conference papers and magazines
  • Exhibitions and research creation
2009Cucuzzella, Carmela
et al.
Guidelines for Social Life Cycle Assessment of Products, UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative, Paris, France, 2009
The guide describes the context and key concepts, provides key elements and guidance and highlights areas where further research is needed, related to the assessment of the social and socio-economic impacts of products life cycle. A social and socio-economic Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA) is a social impact (and potential impact) assessment technique that aims to assess the social and socio-economic aspects of products and their potential positive and negative impacts along their life cycle encompassing extraction and processing of raw materials; manufacturing; distribution; use; re-use; maintenance; recycling; and final disposal.
2020Cucuzzella, CarmelaAnalyzing Eco-architecture Beyond Performance, JFD Editions, Montréal, 2020link
2020Cucuzzella, Carmela
Chupin, Jean-Pierre
Rondia, Emmanuel
Goubran, Sherif
Reimagining Waiting for the Bus: Design Principles for Spaces Surrounding Bus Shelters, Potential Architecture Book (in print), 2020
2020Cucuzzella, Carmela
Goubran, Sherif
Sustainable Architecture Between Measurement and Meaning, Vernon Publisher (in print), 2020
2021Cucuzzella, Carmela
Chupin, Jean-Pierre
Rondia, Emmanuel
Goubran, Sherif
Reimagining Waiting for the Bus: Design Principles for Spaces Surrounding Bus Shelters, Potential Architecture Books, 2021link
2023Cucuzzella, Carmela
McClelland, Patrizio
Statsenko, Anastasia
Art in Uncomfortable: The eco-didactic art and activism of Benjamin Von Wong (à paraître), Intellect Publishers, Bristol, UK, 2023
2023Cucuzzella, Carmela
Soulikias, Aristofanis
Detroit: A City Imagined in Film (upcoming), Routledge, 2023
2008Cucuzzella, Carmela
De Coninck, Pierre
Towards Sustainable Lifestyles: a Participatory Approach Within a Context of Uncertainty in Production et consommation durables : de la gouvernance au consommateur-citoyen, Éditions Yvon Blais, Québec, 2008, p. pp. 21-44link
2010Cucuzzella, Carmela
De Blois, Michel
A New Evaluation and Innovation Framework for Sustainable Design: Addressing the Limits of Current Sustainability Assessment Methods in Chow, Rosan, Jonas, Wolfgang, Joost, Gesche (Ed.) Questions, Hypotheses and Conjectures: Discussions on Projects by Early Stage and Senior Design Researchers, IUniverse, Berlin, 2010, p. pp. 219-240
2010Cucuzzella, Carmela
De Blois, Michel
The Cohering Project in the Built Environment Modeling Intentions and Actors Dynamic: an approach by Design in Chow, Rosan, Jonas, Wolfgang, Joost, Gesche (Ed.) Questions, Hypotheses and Conjectures: Discussions on Projects by Early Stage and Senior Design Researchers, IUniverse, Berlin, 2010, p. pp. 132-151
2011Cucuzzella, CarmelaWhat Does Complexity Have to do with Sustainable Design? in Graham, Lisa (Ed.) Sustainability Research by Designers: an Anthology, The University Press, a division of Common Ground Publishing, Victoria, Australia and Champaign, Illinois, USA, 2011link
2013Cucuzzella, CarmelaWhen The Narrative Of Environmental Certifications Replaces The Debate On Quality in Laurent Matthey, Christophe Mager, David Gaillard, Hélène Gallezot (Ed.) Faire des histoires? Du récit d’urbanisme a l’urbanisme fonctionnel: Faire la ville a l’heure de la société du spectacle, Fondation Braillard Architectes, Genève, Suisse, 2013, p. pp. 43-47
2014Cucuzzella, Carmela
Crossman, Camille
Re-Thinking the University of Manitoba’s Campus: Visionary (re)Generation International Competition in Collyer, Stanley (Ed.) 2013 Competitions Annual, The Competitions Project, Kentucky, USA, 2014
2015Chupin, Jean-Pierre
Cucuzzella, Carmela
Helal, Bechara
A World of Potentialities: Competitions as Producers of Culture, Quality and Knowledge in Chupin, Jean-Pierre, Cucuzzella, Carmela, Helal, Bechara (Ed.) Architecture Competitions and the Production of Culture, Quality and Knowledge (An International Inquiry), Potential Architecture Books, Montréal, 2015, p. pp. 8-23
2015Cucuzzella, CarmelaJudging in a World of Expertise : When the Sum of the Parts is less than the Whole in Architecture Competitions and the Production of Culture, Quality and Knowledge An International Inquiry, Potential Architecture Books, Montreal, 2015, p. pp. 144-161link
2016Cucuzzella, Carmela
Crossman, Camille
Université du Manitoba, 2012 : un ambitieux projet de campus universitaire placé sous haute organisation in Chupin, Jean-Pierre (Ed.) Concourir à l'excellence en architecture : éditoriaux du Catalogue des Concours Canadiens (2006-2016), Potential Architecture Books, 2016link
2016Cucuzzella, CarmelaAgrandissement de la bibliothèque de Pierrefonds : un connecteur urbain in Chupin, Jean-Pierre (Ed.) Concourir à l'excellence en architecture : éditoriaux du Catalogue des Concours Canadiens (2006-2016), Potential Architecture Books, Montreal, 2016link
2016Cucuzzella, Carmela
Gladu, Cheryl
Attendre le bus en méditant sur les changements climatiques in Chupin, Jean-Pierre (Ed.) Concourir à l'excellence en architecture : éditoriaux du Catalogue des Concours Canadiens (2006-2016), Potential Architecture Books, Montreal, 2016link
2016Cucuzzella, CarmelaBibliothèque Saint-Laurent : quand LEED devient synonyme de “prix concours” in Chupin, Jean-Pierre (Ed.) Concourir à l'excellence en architecture : éditoriaux du Catalogue des Concours Canadiens (2006-2016), Potential Architecture Books, Montreal, 2016link
2016Cucuzzella, CarmelaVirage urbain dans la banlieue de Surrey in Chupin, Jean-Pierre (Ed.) Concourir à l'excellence en architecture : éditoriaux du Catalogue des Concours Canadiens (2006-2016), Potential Architecture Books, Montreal, 2016link
2016Cucuzzella, CarmelaLe nouveau Planétarium de Montréal : étoiles en sous-sol in Chupin, Jean-Pierre (Ed.) Concourir à l'excellence en architecture : éditoriaux du Catalogue des Concours Canadiens (2006-2016), Potential Architecture Books, Montreal, 2016link
2016Cucuzzella, CarmelaTensions between Expert Evaluations and Qualitative Judgement in Canadian Architectural Competitions in Anderson, Jonas A., Bloxham Zettersten, Gerd, Ronn, Magnus (Ed.) Architectural Competition as Institution and Process, Royal Institute of Technology of Stockholm, Stockholm, 2016, p. pp. 117-138
The present book revolves around four key concepts: architectural competition, institution, process and adjustments of contemporary competition structures. They characterise the contemporaneous status of architectural competitions in the second decade of the new millennium. A closer look brings out five typical aspects that describe an on-going process of adjustments that is taking place in contemporary European architectural contemporary competitions in architecture and urban design. The conclusion is that these adjustments in the competition as institution and process reflect new conditions in the structure of architectural competitions that applies design to both clients and architects as a profession. The modern architectural competition is an institution within architecture and urban design going back one hundred and fifty years in Europe that has been recreated in new practice with the help of rules, traditions and organisations. Both organisers and competing architects and their professional organisations contribute to the preservation of the competition as institution and process. The anthology includes selected papers from: Jonas E. Andersson, Gerd Bloxham Zettersten, Carmela Cucuzzella, Silvia Forlati, Michel Geertse, Pedro Guilherme, Antigoni Katsakou, Kristian Kreiner, Beatrice Manzoni, Magnus Rönn, Hedley Smyth, Justas Pipinis, Leentje Volker and Leif Östman.
2016Cucuzzella, CarmelaChapitre 10 : Formuler – et reformuler – la question de recherche in Noreau, Pierre, Bernheim, Emmanuelle (Ed.) La Thèse : un guide pour y entrer... et s'en sortir, Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, Montreal, 2016link
2017Cucuzzella, CarmelaPackard Plant, Detroit : Imaginaries of a City Within a City in Chupin, Jean-Pierre, Abenia, Tiphaine (Ed.) Du potentiel des grandes structures urbaines abandonnées / On the Potential of Abandonned Large Urban Structures, Potential Architecture Books, Montréal, 2017, p. pp. 70-75link
2018Cucuzzella, CarmelaA Discreetly Bold Environmental Architecture in Chevalier, Morales, Morales, Stephan (Ed.) Chevalier Morales Architects : Références Croisées, Potential Architecture Books, Montreal, 2018, p. pp. 25-28
2018Cucuzzella, CarmelaThe (Im)Possibility of an Autonomous Environmental Architecture in Martin, Louis, Lachance, Jonathan (Ed.) Du potentiel de l’hétéronomie et de l’autonomie en architecture /On the Potential of Heteronomy and Autonomy in Architecture, Potential Architecture Books, 2018, p. pp. 62-69link
2019Cucuzzella, Carmela
Hammond, Cynthia
On Didacticism in Architecture: Politics, Poetics, Paradoxes/ Du didactisme en architecture: politique, poétique, paradoxes in Cucuzzella, Carmela, Hammond, Cynthia, Goubran, Sherif, Lalonde, Chanelle (Ed.) On the Potential of Didacticism in Architecture/Du potentiel du didactisme en architecture, Potential Architecture Books, Montreal, Vol. 3, 2019
2019Cucuzzella, CarmelaThe Eco-Didactic Turn in Architecture and Art for the Public Realm in Cucuzzella, Carmela, Hammond, Cynthia, Goubran, Sherif, Lalonde, Chanelle (Ed.) On the Potential of Didacticism in Architecture/Du potentiel du didactisme en architecture, Potential Architecture Books, Vol. 3, 2019
2020Cucuzzella, Carmela
Owen, Jordan
Economic Risks from Policy Pressures in Montreal Real Estate in Walker, Thomas, Gramlich, Dieter, Gramlich, Mohammad, Fardnia, Pedram (Ed.) Emerging Risks in Finance: Challenges and Opportunities for Investors, Institutions and Regulators, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, p. pp. 203-224link
2020Goubran, Sherif
Gilbert, Emond
Cucuzzella, Carmela
Understanding Regional Sustainability in the Built Environment in Pathways to Connect Creativity and Sustainable Development, Presse Université de Lorraine, Lorraine, France, 2020
2020Cucuzzella, CarmelaPublic Spaces as Hinges between Knowledge and Action for Climate Change in Pathways to Connect Creativity and Sustainable Development, Presse Université de Lorraine, Lorraine, France, 2020
2020Cucuzzella, CarmelaSustainable Architecture as Facticity, as Potential, and as Perceived in Sustainable Architecture Between Measurement and Meaning, Vernon Press, Delaware, U.S., 2020, p. pp. 24-45
2020Cucuzzella, Carmela
Goubran, Sherif
Caught between Measurement and Meaning in Sustainable Architecture Between Measurement and Meaning, Vernon, Delaware, U.S., 2020, p. pp. 1-13
2022Cucuzzella, CarmelaHow do Green Awards Assess Sustainability? in The Rise in Awards in Architecture, Vernon Publishers, Delaware, U.S., 2022link
2022Cucuzzella, Carmela
Chupin, Jean-Pierre
108 Embodiments of Potential Architecture: Sisyphus building libraries of projects in The Routledge Companion to Drawings and Models: From Translating to Archiving, Collecting and Displaying, Routledge, 2022link
2022Chupin, Jean-Pierre
Cucuzzella, Carmela
Adamczyk, Georges
Introduction: What Can Explain the Exponential Growth of Awards in the Built Environment? in The Rise of Awards in Architecture, Vernon Press, Wilmington, 2022, p. pp. xxv-xl
2023Cucuzzella, Carmela
Hazbei, Morteza
Ideas Competitions as Means for Engagement and Dialogue: A Pedagogical Approach for Investigating Socio-Ecological-Technical Practices in Sustainable Practices in Higher Education: Finance, Strategy, and Engagement, Palgrave Publishers, 2023
2023Cucuzzella, Carmela« L’être et le néant » de l’architecture durable (à paraître) in La critique à l’œuvre : fragments d’un discours architectural, Éditions de la Villette, 2023
2008Parent, Julie
Cucuzzella, Carmela
La consommation durable par le design durable in Le Panoptique, Environnement, Issue no.36, 2008link
2008De Coninck, Pierre
Cucuzzella, Carmela
An Overview of Existing Development Processes for New Products within the Furniture Sector based on a Networked Framework
2008Cucuzzella, Carmela
Colby, Charles
Comparative Screening Life Cycle Assessment of Children’s Markers Repurposed into a Modern Wall Clock and an Industrial-made Modern Wall Clock,
2009Cucuzzella, Carmela
Martenat, Céline-Coralie
Pearl, Daniel
Question 2 : What educational transformation is required to engage the academic world into adopting a transdisciplinary process for developing sustainable projects? Editorial Committee of the School of Architecture of the Université de Montré
2009Cucuzzella, CarmelaWhat does Complexity have to do with Sustainable Design? in Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal, Vol. vol.3, Issue no.3, 2009, p. pp.277-290
2009Cucuzzella, CarmelaThe Limits of Life Cycle Analysis in a Context of Sustainable Design: Prudence as a New Framework in International Journal of Design Engineering, Vol. vol.2, Issue no.3, 2009, p. pp.243-261
2010Cucuzzella, Carmela
Martenat, Céline-Coralie
Pearl, Daniel
Question 2 : Final Synthesis. Editorial Committee of the School of Architecture of the Université de Montréallink
2010Cucuzzella, Carmela
Martenat, Céline-Coralie
Pearl, Daniel
Between design and engineering – the necessity for a critical perspective. Synthetic response of the Université de Montréal editorial committeelink
2011Cucuzzella, CarmelaWhy is Fourth Generation Evaluation Essential for Sustainable Design? in Design Principles and Practice: An International Journal, Vol. vol.5, Issue no.1, 2011, p. pp.239-252
2011Chupin, Jean-Pierre
Cucuzzella, Carmela
Environmental standards and judgment processes in competitions for public buildings in Geographica Helvetica, Swiss Journal of Geography, special issue on competitions, Forms, places, and processes: tracing geographies of architecture through design competitions, Issue no. 1, 2011, p. pp. 13-23
2012Cucuzzella, Carmela
Revéret, Jean-Pierre
Parent, Julie
Impact Assessment in SLCA: Sorting the sLCIA Methods According to their Outcomes in The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Vol. vol.15, 2012, p. pp.164-171link
2012Cucuzzella, Carmela
Revéret, Jean-Pierre
Parent, Julie
Revisiting the role of LCA and SLCA in the transition towards sustainable production and consumption in The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2012, p. pp.1-11link
2013Cucuzzella, Carmela
Pearl, Daniel
Mertenat, Céline-Coralie
Verdir le diplôme d’architecture au Canada : un forum académique national, une question de transdisciplinarité in VertigO - la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement, Vol. Hors-série 13, Issue (Janvier 2013) Éducation et développement durable dans les universités et les cégeps : une nécessaire integration, 2013link
2013Cucuzzella, CarmelaConfronting Contemporary Sustainability Norms with the Durbaility of Historical Buildings in Proceedings for the XI Forum Internationale di Studi: La Vie dei Mercanti: Heritage, Architecture, LanDesign. Focus on Conservation, Regeneration, Innovation., 2013, p. pp.1115-1122
2013Cucuzzella, CarmelaLes experts sont-ils à leur place dans les concours? in d'a (D'architectures), Vol. n°216, Issue Dossier Que savons-nous des concours? Avril 2013, 2013, p. pp. 62-65
2013Cucuzzella, Carmela
Chupin, Jean-Pierre
The “global warming” of the judgment process in competitions for public buildings in Canada in The International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice, Vol. vol.8, Issue n°1, 2013, p. pp. 53-67
2013Cucuzzella, CarmelaA Theoretical Model For Design For Sustainability: The Impact Of Data Intensive Evaluation Approaches On Design Thinking in International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice, Vol. vol.8, Issue n°1, 2013, p. pp. 95-108
2014Chupin, Jean-Pierre
Cucuzzella, Carmela
Designing the Body of Architecture Through Biological Analogies in Politecnico de Milano, 5th STS Italia conference, A Matter of Design: Making Society through Science and Technology, 2014, p. pp. 311-327
2014Cucuzzella, Carmela
Chupin, Jean-Pierre
Experts, Expertise and Qualitative Judgment in Canadian Architectural Competitions in 5th STS Italia conference, A Matter of Deisgn: Making Society through Science and Technology, 2014, p. pp.781-796
2014Cucuzzella, CarmelaCanadian Society of Landscape Architects (CSLA) Awards 2014 Jury Process: Observations and Recommendations
2014Cucuzzella, CarmelaIs Sustainability the Impetus for a New Aesthetic Paradigm in Canadian Design Competition ? in RACAR/Revue d'Art Canadienne-Canadian Art Review, Vol. Design Studies in Canada : the State of the Field, 2014
2015Cucuzzella, CarmelaIs Sustainability Reorienting the Visual Expression of Architecture? in RACAR: Design Studies in Canada (and beyond): the State of the Field, 2015
2015Cucuzzella, CarmelaResearch-creation as a Curatorial Challenge: An Interview with John Zeppetelli in Muséologies, 2015
2016Cucuzzella, CarmelaCreativity, Sustainable Design, and Risk Management in Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 135, Issue 1, 2016, p. 1548-1558link
2017Shrivastava, Paul
Cucuzzella, Carmela
The Art of Regenerative Regional Development in Culture and Dialogue, Vol. 5, Issue special issue on Japanese Culture, 2017, p. 62-97link
2019Cucuzzella, CarmelaThe Normative Turn in Environmental Architecture in Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 219, 2019, p. 552-565link
2019Cucuzzella, Carmela
Goubran, Sherif
Infrastructure as Deeply Integrated Sustainable Urban Project in J Sustainability Research, 2019link
2019Cucuzzella, CarmelaEco-Didactic Design in the Public Realm in Ecology and the Environment: The Sustainable City XIII, Vol. 238, 2019, p. pp. 283-290link
2019Goubran, Sherif
Cucuzzella, Carmela
Integrating the Sustainable Development Goals in Building Projects in Journal of Sustainability Research, for the special issue, The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Underpinning and Contributing to Sustainability Research, Vol. 2019;1:e190010, 2019, p. 43link
2020Cucuzzella, Carmela
Owen, Jordan
Economic Risks from Policy Pressures in Montreal Real Estate in Walker, Thomas, Gramlich, Dieter, Gramlich, Mohammad, Fardnia, Pedram (Ed.) Emerging Risks in Finance: Challenges and Opportunities for Investors, Institutions and Regulators, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, p. pp. 203-224link
2020Goubran, Sherif
Gilbert, Emond
Cucuzzella, Carmela
Understanding Regional Sustainability in the Built Environment in Pathways to Connect Creativity and Sustainable Development, Presse Université de Lorraine, Lorraine, France, 2020
2020Cucuzzella, CarmelaPublic Spaces as Hinges between Knowledge and Action for Climate Change in Pathways to Connect Creativity and Sustainable Development, Presse Université de Lorraine, Lorraine, France, 2020
2020Cucuzzella, CarmelaSustainable Architecture as Facticity, as Potential, and as Perceived in Sustainable Architecture Between Measurement and Meaning, Vernon Press, Delaware, U.S., 2020, p. pp. 24-45
2020Cucuzzella, Carmela
Goubran, Sherif
Caught between Measurement and Meaning in Sustainable Architecture Between Measurement and Meaning, Vernon, Delaware, U.S., 2020, p. pp. 1-13
2020Cucuzzella, CarmelaCompetition Juries as Intercultural Spaces: Between Evaluation, Experience, and Judgement in Footprint Journal Special Issues on The Architecture Competition as Contact Zone: Towards a Historiography of Cross-Cultural Exchanges, Vol. 14, Issue 1, 2020, p. 39-62link
2020Hazbei, Morteza
Cucuzzella, Carmela
Coherence of Interior and Exterior Formal Qualities in Parametric Designed Buildings in International Journal of Design Engineering, 2020
2020Cucuzzella, Carmela
Chupin, Jean-Pierre
Hammond, Cynthia
Eco-Didacticism in Art and Architecture: Raising Awareness by Design in Cities, Vol. 102, Issue July 2020, 102728, 2020link
2021Pena, Gabriel
Cucuzzella, Carmela
Ecomannerism in Sustainability, special issue Eco-didactic Art Design, and Architecture in the Public Realm, Vol. 13, Issue 3, 2021, p. 1307link
2021Goubran, Sherif
Cucuzzella, Carmela
Ouf, Mohamed
Eyes on the goal! Exploring interactive artistic real-time energy interfaces for target-specific actions in the built environment in Sustainability, Sustainability, submitted to the special issue Eco-didactic Art Design, and Architecture in the Public Realm, Vol. 13, Issue 4, 2021, p. 1996link
2021Cucuzzella, CarmelaMaking the Invisible Visible: Eco-Art and Design Against the Anthropocene in Sustainability,special issue Eco-didactic Art Design, and Architecture in the Public Realm, Vol. 13, Issue 7, 2021, p. 3747link
2021Cucuzzella, Carmela
Hazbei, Morteza
Goubran, Sherif
Activating Data through Eco-Didactic Design in the Public Realm: Enabling Sustainable Development in Cities in Sustainability, special issue Eco-didactic Art Design, and Architecture in the Public Realm, Vol. 13, Issue 8, 2021, p. 4577link
2021 (upcoming)Cucuzzella, CarmelaTeresa Coady (Encyclopedia entry) in Brown, Lori, Burns, Karen (Ed.) The Bloomsbury Global Encyclopedia of Women in Architecture, Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2021 (upcoming)link
2022Cucuzzella, Carmela
Owen, Jordan
Goubran, Sherif
Walker, Thomas
A TOD index integrating development potential, economic vibrancy, and socio-economic factors for encouraging polycentric cities in Cities Journal, Vol. 131, Issue 103980, 2022link
2022Cucuzzella, Carmela
Goubran, Sherif
Nizar, Firdous
Interactive Digital Art as Didactic Agents in Space: The art of eco-nudging in International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, ARTEM OCC, 2022
2023Cucuzzella, Carmela
Mohsen, Rasoulivalajoozi
Rasouli, Mojtaba
Ho Kwok, Tsz
Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Postural Analysis of Beekeepers in International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Vol. May, 2023
2023Cucuzzella, CarmelaAnalysing Eco-art installations for their value in affecting change in International Journal of Education through Art, Intellect Publishers, Vol. 19, Issue 1, 2023, p. 43-58link
2023Cucuzzella, Carmela
Rahimi, Negar
Soulikias, Aristofanis
The Evolution of the Architectural Façade since 1950: A Contemporary Categorization in Architecture Journal, Vol. 3, 2023, p. 1-32link
2023Cucuzzella, Carmela
Goubran, Sherif
Walker, Thomas
Schwartz, Tyler
Green Building Standards and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals in Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 326 Part A, Issue 116552, 2023
2007Cucuzzella, Carmela
De Coninck, Pierre
The Contribution of the Precautionary Principle for Decision Making in Situations of Uncertainty for Product and Service Development, International Conference Proceedings for Society and Materials 2007 (SAM1), p. 13 pages, CD-ROM
2007Cucuzzella, Carmela
De Coninck, Pierre
Implementing the Precautionary Principle through Stakeholder Engagement for Product and Service Development, , Vol. vol.2, 2007, p. p.95-107
2008Cucuzzella, CarmelaThe Precautionary Principle as a Framework for Sustainable Design: Attempts to Counter the Rebound Effects of Production and Consumption, Conference proceedings for the International Conference on Economic De-Growth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equitylink
2008Cucuzzella, Carmela
De Coninck, Pierre
Towards Sustainable Design: An Approach Based on the Precautionary Principle, Conference proceedings for SAM2, 2nd International Seminar on Society and Material, p. 16 pages, CD-ROM
2008Cucuzzella, Carmela
De Coninck, Pierre
In Pursuit of Sustainable Consumption: The Limits of Adopting a Strategy of Efficiency, Conference proceedings for The Eighth International Conference on Ecobalance, p. p.277-280
2008Cucuzzella, Carmela
De Coninck, Pierre
Establishing and Assessing Sustainable Solutions: Opportunities and Limits of a Life Cycle Approach, Conference proceedings for the International Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (EESD), p. p.51-60
2009Cucuzzella, CarmelaAn Evaluation and Innovation Framework for Responsible Design based on Prudence, Conference proceedings for 8th European Academy of Design Conferencelink
2009Cucuzzella, CarmelaFourth Generation Evaluation: Expanding the Evaluation Framework for Sustainable Design Projects, Conference proceedings for International Association of Societies of Design Research, p. p.1639-1648
2009Colby, Charles
Cucuzzella, Carmela
Lalande, Philippe
Racine, Martin
Assessing a New Model for Production and Consumption: Environmental Implications of Direct Digital Manufacturing, Conference proceedings for Sustainable Innovation 09, Towards a Low Carbon Innovation Revolution, Towards Sustainable Product Design: 14th International Conference, p. pp.32-42
2009Cucuzzella, Carmela
De Coninck, Pierre
Pearl, Daniel
Expanding the Evaluation Framework in Design Projects when Seeking Transformational Sustainable Innovation, Conference proceedings for Sustainable Innovation 09, Towards a Low Carbon Innovation Revolution, Towards Sustainable Product Design: 14th International Conference, p. pp.49-55
2010Cucuzzella, CarmelaThe New Montreal Planetarium: Stars of the Underground in Éditorial du Catalogue des Concours Canadiens, 2010link
2010Cucuzzella, CarmelaCollaborative Design in a Context of Sustainability: The Epistemological and Practical Implications of the Precautionary Principle for Design, Conference proceedings for The 14th European Roundtable on Sustainable Production and Consumption (ERSCP), The 6th Environmental Management for Sustainable Universities (EMSU)link
2011Cucuzzella, CarmelaUrban shifting Suburban Surrey in Éditorial du Catalogue des Concours Canadiens, Vol. Novembre 2011, 2011link
2011Cucuzzella, CarmelaDes limites de la norme LEED in ARQ /Architecture-Québec / Le concours : une affaire du jugement, Issue no.154, 2011, p. pp.22-25
2012Cucuzzella, CarmelaSaint-Laurent Library – When LEED Becomes the Competition Prize in Éditorial du Catalogue des Concours Canadiens, 2012link
2013Cucuzzella, CarmelaLower Don Lands, Toronto 2007: From Winning Project to Public Controversy in Éditorial du Catalogue des Concours Canadiens, 2013link
2014Cucuzzella, Carmela
Crossman, Camille
University of Manitoba, 2012: An ambitious university campus project under high organization in Éditorial du Catalogue des Concours Canadiens, 2014link
2014Chupin, Jean-Pierre
Cucuzzella, Carmela
Designing the Body of Architecture Through Biological Analogies, 5th STS Italia conference, A Matter of Design: Making Society through Science and Technology, p. pp. 311-327
2014Chupin, Jean-Pierre
Cucuzzella, Carmela
Expert, Expertise and Qualitative Judgement in Canadian Architecture Competitions, 5th STS Italia conference, A Matter of Design, p. pp. 781-796
2014Cucuzzella, Carmela
Chupin, Jean-Pierre
Design for Sustainability as an Emerging Aesthetic Paradigm in Canadian Design Competitions, 5th STS Italia conference, A Mater of Design: Making Society through Science and Technology
2015Cucuzzella, CarmelaIntroduction : Curatorial Challenges in Muséologies, special edition on Curatorial Challenges of Research-Creation, Vol. 8, Issue No. 1, 2015, p. pp.11-31
2015Cucuzzella, CarmelaIs Sustainability Reorienting the Visual Expression of Architecture ? in Bresnahan, Keith|Donnelly, Brian|Racine, Martin (ed) Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review (RACAR) : Design Studies in Canada (and beyond), Vol. 40, Issue No. 2, 2015, p. pp.86-100
2015Cucuzzella, CarmelaResearch-creation as a Curatorial Challenge : An interview with John Zeppetelli in Muséologies, special edition on Curatorial Challenges of Research-Creation, Vol. 8, Issue No. 1, 2015, p. pp.129-141
2016Cucuzzella, Carmela
Gladu, Cheryl
June 2016 : Solar Powered Bus Shelter : Waiting For The Bus While Reflecting On Climate Change in Canadian Competitions Catalogue, 2016link
2016Cucuzzella, Carmela
Coulon, A.
Environmentalism in Architecture Competitions : From Experimentation to Normativity and Back, 6th International Conference on Architecture Competitions : The Competition Mesh : Experimenting With And Within Architecture Competitions, Oct 24-28, Leeds, UK
2016Cucuzzella, CarmelaCreativity, Sustainable Design, and Risk Management in Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 135, 2016, p. pp.1548-1558link
2016Cucuzzella, CarmelaOpinion des défis pour le Québec : Sortir du fétichisme technologique in La Presse, 2016link
2017Cucuzzella, Carmela
Goubran, Sherif
CoLLaboratoire Montreal : Living Experiments for Climate Change Awareness in ARQ : Architecture-Québec / Grands projets, petits projets, September 2017, Issue No. 180, 2017, p. pp.20-23
2017Cucuzzella, CarmelaCoLLaboratoire Montreal : Living Experiments for Climate Change Awareness, World Sustainable Built Environment (WSBE) Conference 2017 Hong Kong, Transforming Our Built Environment through Innovation and Integration : Putting Ideas into Action, June 5-7, Hong Kong
2017Cucuzzella, Carmela
Goubran, Sherif
Emond, Gilbert
Understanding Regional Sustainability in the Built Environment, 2nd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, Sept 14-16, Nancy
2017Cucuzzella, CarmelaCoLLaboratoire : Urban Design Experiments for Sustainability and Climate Change Awareness, 2nd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, Sept 14-16, Nancy
2017Cucuzzella, Carmela
Shrivastava, Paul
The Art of Regenerative Regional Development in Culture and Dialogue, special issue on Japanese Culture, Vol. 5, 2017, p. pp.62-97
2017Cucuzzella, Carmela
Goubran, Sherif
Maha S., Kamel
More than waiting for the bus : Rethinking Site Surrounding Bus Stops, 1st International conference on Towards a Better Quality of Life, November 26-27, 2017, El Gouna, Red Sea region, Egypt
2017Cucuzzella, CarmelaToronto and Montreal in The Gazette, 2017link
2017Cucuzzella, CarmelaToronto vu de Montreal in La Presse, 2017link
2020Cucuzzella, Carmela« Éco-didactisme » : Les « prix verts » forcent-ils la visibilité des dispositifs écologiques ? in ARQ, La revue d'architecture, Issue 191 (numéro spécial dirigé par J.-P. Chupin), 2020, p. pp.22-23
2019Cucuzzella, Carmela
Athienitis, Andreas
CoLLaboratoire Solar Shelter Design Challenge Exhibit in Cities Cluster Research Exhibition, Issue January 2019, 2019link
2019Cucuzzella, Carmela
Ouf, Mohammad
Control your Comfort: What is Eco-nudging? in CERC + Cities Research Exhibition, Issue October 2019 - November 2019, 2019, p. at the 4th Space, Library Building, Concordia Universitylink
Cucuzzella, Carmela
Tomorrow’s Green Corridors in MTL+ at the Biosphere, 5th Floor, Issue June 2019-December 2020, 2019link
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