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Cozy was an art piece made of 1500 maple wood medallions joined together with hemp twine. They formed a cover, or Afghan (blanket), for a Douglas fir stump at Stanley park. The wood medallions were individually hand carved by local Vancouver residents which ranged from seniors to children. The artist, aiming to creating a piece that is representative of the population, developed a process of bringing the materials and tools to different locations including schools, community centers and events. The invitation was to inscribe something that describes each individual’s connection to nature. The message were inscribed in the maple wood through burning creating a memorable and very sensorial experience and included words such as “peace”, “green” and “victory” 

The artwork which resembles a blanket is a healing gesture to protect and nurture the remains of the tree. Some sources indicate that the artwork was a response to windstorm that destroyed a number of trees at Stanley Park – including the specific stump used. The medallions and twine were made from natural materials which can decay and return to nature. This artwork hints to the importance of nurturing nature. The collective nature of the creation process of this artwork enables it to become relevant and personal to locals of the city. The piece which transitioned from its original to decayed state exemplifies the natural cycle of life and death. Some sources cite the loss of the artist’s son as the inspiration for the piece.   

While the making process and original final state of the cover is well document with pictures, little can be seen of the artwork today. However, the artwork didactic panel is said to be kept in place.


“Cozy Environmental Art.” in Stanley Park | StanleyParkVan.com. Accessed July 28, 2021. https://stanleyparkvan.com/stanley-park-van-art-environmental-cozy.html.

Grande, John K. Shirley Wiebe: Cozy. Other, n.d. https://vancouver.ca/files/cov/interview-with-shirley-wiebe.pdf.

Laurence, Robin. “Ephemeral Art Appears in Stanley Park.” The Georgia Straight, April 3, 2014. https://www.straight.com/article-164289/ephemeral-art-appears-park.

“Stanley Park Environmental Art Project.” City of Vancouver. Accessed July 28, 2021. https://vancouver.ca/parks-recreation-culture/stanley-park-environmental-art-project.aspx.

“Stanley Park Environmental Art Project: Self-Guided Tour.” City of Vancouver, n.d. https://vancouver.ca/files/cov/stanley-park-environmental-art-project-self-guided-tour.pdf.

Project Title: Cozy
Shirley Wiebe
Place: Vancouver, British Columbia

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