Living Experiments for Climate Change Awareness 
2016 Design Competition for a Solar Powered Shelter(s) Interactive & Educational

2016 Inaugural International Design Challenge

Launched: April 15, 2016
Prizes Announced: June 30, 2016
Location: Concordia University, Loyola Campus Montréal, Quebec, Canada
Development Phase: In-process of detail development / funding for building of project courtesy of Trottier Foundation

Concordia University’s CoLLaboratoire invites young creative practitioners, be they students or recent graduates, to consider the role of public art and design in increasing awareness of, and engagement in, issues around climate change at the local level. This design competition is part of a series of activities conducted by the Montreal-based not-for-profit CoLLaboratoire initiative (, whose main objective is the realization of a series of art-based interactive installations that address some critical theme of sustainable living in the city. 

The Project
The project consists of designing the shelter(s) at the Loyola campus of Concordia University, which will also include solar energy. The participants may or may not use the existing structure. Teams will develop ideas that can both educate and encourage public conversation that might heighten awareness around climate change issues. The proposal should be well documented technically and intended for further development.